Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Obama, Biden satisfy sizzling burger craving

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are served their burgers as

ARLINGTON, Va. – It's like this: When you want a burger, you have to have a burger.

In this state of mind on Tuesday, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden took a short — but wholly noticeable — motorcade ride from the White House to Virginia and pulled into a small, independent burger joint called Ray's Hell Burger.

The two leaders went right up to the counter where the meat was being grilled and ordered.

Each fetched cash from his pocket and paid, and then the pair stood like the rest and waited for their number to be called before going to a table.

The restaurant, which prides itself on premium aged 10-ounce burgers, sits in a small strip plaza. The burgers sell for $6.95.(

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