Wednesday, April 4, 2012

New NFL Uniform

New NFL uniforms unveiled. On Tuesday, April 3, 2012, in a presentation event in New York, NFL players stood in their new uniforms. League and Nike showcase a new look in grand style with a gridiron-style fashion show at a movie studio Brooklyn.

According to the uniform manufacturer, Nike: "Nike Elite 51 Uniform is completely new generation, light weight and superior as well as provide a fully integrated system on apparel for athletes at the highest level."

New NFL uniforms

National Football League is the largest American football league in the world. The team in this league is divided into two conferences, the American Football Conference (AFC) and National Football Conference. Each conference is divided into four divisions according to geogerafi, namely North, West, South, and East.

NFL was founded in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association and renamed the National Football League in 1922.

Regular season lasted for seventeen weeks in which each team has one week free (bye week) and played sixteen times. This schedule includes six times against fellow division teams (home-away), and several teams of inter-divisional and inter-conference. Regular season begins on Thursday evening in the first week of September (after Labor Day Thursday) and runs every week until late December or early January.

At the end of the regular season, six teams from each conference play in the NFL playoffs, an elimination tournament in which only uses one leg is filled with twelve teams and the tournament will end with the final competition, the Super Bowl. Super Bowl was held at the stadium which is usually defined to be the headquarters of NFL teams. Having held the Super Bowl, the next few days held Pro Bowl, All-Star game sort and followed by the players selected by journalists, coaches, players from each zone.

In the 2010-2011 season, the NFL is a game the domestic level with the most number of spectators in the world in a matter of each game on average, ie 66 960 people per game.


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